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Community, Grants, Older People

Meeting our Grantees: St Tudy Village Hall

Six months or so on from our grant to St Tudy Village Hall in Cornwall, we were delighted to receive an update on their work to restore their local community hub back to full use.

Over the past year the team of volunteers, supported by tradespeople in their local community have been working hard to regenerate the hall through a range of products, installing new flooring, fitting a new bar and kitchen, converting rooms for multipurpose use, and installing AV equipment.

The regeneration means that a regular film club is now held for local people.

The foundation regularly receives applications from similar projects, and these fit well with our objectives of supporting older people through community regeneration at a grassroots level. The Trustees felt that this particular hall was an important community hub for an isolated rural community with a high number of older people. Thanks to the regeneration work, which was supported in part by a £2000 grant from our foundation, over 100 people have already benefitted from the improvements.

A new sign was an important and symbolic part of the project.

We have been delighted to hear that the work at the hall has been successfully completed and that many of the local volunteer groups and societies have been able to once again make use of the new facilities. Our charitable foundation has now disbursed over £100,000 in funding to community causes all over the country, and our next round of funding will be opening in late January. To find out more, please do join a call with our Foundation Manager on January 12th, by signing up at the following link:

The new meeting room at St Tudy Village Hall ahead of work taking place.