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Foundation welcomes a new Chair of Trustees
After leading the foundation through it’s first three years, Chair of the Trustees and CEO of McCarthy Stone John Tonkiss is standing down and handing over the reins to Paula Jordan.
We are indebted to John for the time and passion he has given to the role as Chair, his many generous donations, and for how he has championed the foundation’s work across McCarthy Stone stakeholders. There is no doubt that the foundation wouldn’t be in the position it is now without John’s support and we look forward to continuing to work together in the future to develop the relationship between the foundation and the McCarthy Stone group and owners.

We are very pleased to welcome Paula Jordan into the role of Chair from the 1st November 2023. Paula has been a founding trustee and an active board member since the foundation launched in December 2020. As a former senior Director of McCarthy Stone, Paula is uniquely placed to steer the foundation over the next three years, bringing independence, experience and insight from across the private sector alongside a working knowledge of the McCarthy Stone community that we work so closely with. Paula was voted in unanimously on the 4th October 2023, and is looking forward to leading the foundation’s board through its next three years of development.

We would like to congratulate Paula on her new appointment and all of the team are looking forward to working together in the future.