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Christmas Connections Grants continue…

8 December 2023

We will be publishing the full list of 60 grants made, but here are some more examples of our latest awards to small grassroots groups around the country.

Each of the organisations supported is volunteer-led or volunteer dependent to deliver their services, and has a turnover of under £100,000 p.a.

We are hugely grateful to all of our supporters and donors, who make this work possible. Thank you!

Ottery Community Volunteers – £1000 grant

The Ottery Larder is a community fridge which collects waste and surplus food and distributes it in the community. The £1000 grant will allow them to provide gift bags and food hampers to over 80 older people at Christmas time.

Hay & District Dial-a-Ride – £1000 grant

Hay & District Dial-a-Ride is a community transport scheme, enabling vulnerable older people to access community and social life in a rural part of the UK. The Foundation grant will enable them to organise visits for their members to the local Christmas Market and a community Christmas Party.

MHA Communities Cornwall – £1000 grant

This wonderful Cornwall based charity provides support to 161 members through social groups, dementia support services, day trips, befriending and guidance. This grant will allow them to run their own pantomime for members who all take on various roles! They will also have a Xmas party and an outing to see the Christmas Lights in West Cornwall.

Teams and Bensham Community Care – £940 grant

This grassroots charity provides social and support services for vulnerable, isolated older people in Gateshead. Thanks to this grant, the group can run three celebration days in December – two at their lunch clubs, and one at their men’s group.

Supporting Older People – £979 grant

Based in Harrogate, Supporting Older People has been running for more than 40 years. The grant will allow them to deliver Christmas treats to older people wo are living alone in the area. These doorstep deliveries and a chat will be a lifeline to people who in some cases do not have any other social interactions.

Sahara Coventry – £500 grant

Sahara supports Asian elders resident in Coventry who suffer with dementia and age related cognitive issues. This grant will fund the charity during December so that they can continue to provide a warm, safe hub with food and drinks for their 300+ members.

The Shaw Lane Foundation – £600 grant

The Shaw Lane Foundation runs weekly sessions to help older isolated people to socialise, meet friends, take part in activities, and get out and about. Based in Barnsley, they can now provide a Christmas Lunch to 100 of their members with decorations and entertainment.

Senior Citizens Working Group – Grassland Hasmoor Big Local – £500 grant

The Foundation grant will provide a Christmas Party for their Senior Citizens group in Chesterfield. Many of their group are on their own at Christmas and this is a wonderful opportunity to socialise with others and feel part of the community.

St Johns Community Development Project – £500 grant

St Johns in South London provides activity groups for senior citizens  including exercise, singing group, a social club, parties, arts and crafts workshops, outings, events, information sessions, digital literacy support, and cost of living advice. The Foundation grant will allow them to hold Christmas party for their most isolated members and provide transport for housebound seniors.

Find a friend Christmas Dinner – £500 grant

This will be the 9th year for the Find a Friend Christmas Lunch group. Unfortunately they had to find a new venue this year but the Foundation grant has allowed them to do this and continue the wonderful event which so many isolated older people look forward to every year.